Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Day 4 - Part 2 - Wall Drug, Wall, South Dakota

We're back on the road again!   We spotted a rest area near a river and stopped to stretch our legs and let the dogs out.  It was a beautiful area - with one exception!

Could have done without this sign!

Here was the view and some of the signs from the overlook.

It was time to round up and head out.  More of the road:

We saw a lot of these firetrucks and billboards.  They had more firetrucks than many departments I know of.

Finally reached Wall!  Can't miss the exit with the big dinosaur.  We parked the rv's and  headed into Wall Drugs.  It's a giant shopping "center" that covers 2 or 3 blocks and 2 streets.  It's all inside and wanders in from one shop to the next.  Yes, there really is a drug store contained in the shopping area.  We had some fun with the "locals."

Just so you know where Wall is, there is this sign posted outside:

The mall even has a chapel for travelers to stop in and pray!

As we were leaving, I saw the stained glass murals over the door.  This one featured the west and the Badlands which are nearby.

We stopped to eat in town.  Janice tried the fish.  We learned you don't order fish from a landlocked restaurant.  We are so spoiled living near the coast and having fresh fish.  Not sure the last time her fish was fresh!

In for the night!  Off to Wyoming tomorrow!  We're getting closer!

End of the day mileage:  1,475.


Jenny :)

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