Saturday, November 7, 2015

Day 8 -- Whitecourt, Alberta

Sunny, 30's, light frost.

We said goodbye to Todd and Jeannie and pulled out at 8:53 a.m.

There is a lot of wildlife along the roads.  Not sure what this was.

Coyote, dog, wolf, critter?

I've mentioned we've seen lots of deer.  I don't believe we've ever seen this many in one place.

Actually got to see a fox catching his breakfast!

The scenery is beautiful with farms and distant, snow-covered mountains.

Trees planted as a windbreak

Happy Barn

Distant Mountains

Rather than driving through the larger cities, we chose to take bypasses around many of them.  They had names like Stoney Trail ByPass and Deerfoot Trail.  The only problem with this is that if you run low on fuel, you're not sure when you'll find the next place to buy it.  We found this place is Balzac, Alberta.   Fuel was $.959.  Cheap right?  Not really.   It's a litre and it takes 3.8 litres to make a gallon.  That made it well over $3.00 a gallon.

Highway speed signs and distances are now causing my confusion.  I keep asking David how far something is in miles and he calmly converts them for me.  I finally decided to write down the corresponding numbers from the speedometer.  They stopped a lot of the questions.  Then I realized I could change Sir Garmin over to kilometers.  That helped...a little!

More driving without stopping all the way to Whitecourt, Alberta.  We camped in a Lions Club campground.  We stopped to talk to a lady before we got to our spot.  She gave us a 2015 edition of The Milepost book.  This book is extremely useful in planning a trip though Canada to Alaska.  Ours was a 2014 edition.  Not much info changes, but sometimes it pays to look ahead in the new book.

On the way to our campsite, a small herd of deer was walking through the campground.  Absolutely beautiful to see.  Another quiet evening and off to bed!
Ending mileage:  2,831



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